Online Application Form

    Basic Information

    Do you self-identify with any of the below characteristics?
    Please add (✓) to the most relevant column.

    BAME community

    Lone parent

    Under 25 or NEET Under 25

    Low-income households (£25,000)

    Physical disability

    Previously or current in receipt of Special Education Needs support

    Care leaver

    Previously in receipt of Free School Meals

    First generation of their household to have attended university




    Which of the following best describes the sector your business operates in?
    Please add (✓) to the most relevant column.

    Food & beverage service

    Arts, entertainment, recreation

    Information & Communication

    Administrative & support service activities

    Human health & social work activities



    Residential & commercial real estate activities




    Other Activities

    Has your business registered with Companies House?

    If yes, please provide further information

    Has your business registered with Companies House?

    If yes, what did you take away? 50 words

    How long has your business been in operation (e.g. providing goods & services)?

    Tell us about yourself. What do you and your business/organisation do? 500 words

    How do you plan to utilise the opportunity at LABS? 300 words

    Please demonstrate how you or your business has strong links to the Camden borough (e.g., business located in Camden, owner being a Camden resident? 200 words

    What are your ambitions for your business? 250 words

    Which other groups and organisations are you involved with? (e.g., business support training, VCS, other businesses, incubators) 100 words (this question is optional)

    Data Protection Notice

    We will handle the information you have provided in line with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. Any personal information will be held in confidence with only the necessary people able to see or use it. For more information about how we use your information, please see our privacy notice.